Frequently-asked questions

We already have ongoing projects. Will Valohai easily integrate with them?

Running existing machine learning projects in Valohai is very simple! Integration only requires adding a valohai.yaml configuration file. Moving projects in and out of Valohai is easy the integration is only the configuration file.

How do you compare to other data science platforms?

We dont. Valohai isnt a data science platform; its a Machine Learning Management Platform that handles the whole ML pipeline from feature extraction, to training of your model and to deploying it into production in a reproducible manner. Data science platforms offer hosted notebooks and AutoML solutions.

Does Valohai charge for computation?

Depends. Most of our customers use their own cloud and thus pay for usage according to their own agreements. Valohai doesnt charge anything on top of the per-user license fee. If you dont have a cloud provider, you can use our AWS, GCP and Azure accounts, and well only charge you for what you use.

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